Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple Sclerosis is a problem affecting the conduction of nerve impulses. The 'insulating' sheath around the nerve (myelin sheath) becomes inflamed and breaks down. This causes gaps to develop in the sheath and affects the speed and efficiency of the signal being transmitted. Signals are either delayed or do not reach the muscles at all. All areas of the body can be affected, from the arms and legs, to speech and memory problems. This may be happening at different speeds which account for the different types of MS. These are:

  • Relapsing /remitting - the persons experiences 'bouts' of reduced function
  • Progressive - Symptoms never go away and steadily increase.
  • Secondary Progressive - this is when relapsing/remitting MS changes into a more progressive type.

Neurological physiotherapy can help to:

  • Manage symptoms and maintain current functional levels.
  • Stretch tight muscles and reduce muscle spasm.
  • Mobilise stiff joints.
  • Re-educate function through facilitation of specific functional tasks.
  • Postural advice.
  • Promote independence
  • Advice regarding splints and aids that maybe appropriate.
  • Teach carers and family relevant stretches and handling techniques.

It is never too early to begin neurological physiotherapy. The earlier you begin after your diagnosis, the easier it is to begin maintaining yourself. Knowing how MS is affecting you physically and which exercises and activities are right for you, is vitally important. Any problems can be picked up at an early stage and treatment can begin. This makes it easier to rectify problems. It is often useful to have a short course of Physiotherapy initially followed by a home exercise programme completed independently. Clients are then reviewed at 6-8 week intervals in order to monitor any change in condition and exercises are amended as needed. If the individual experiences a relapse or new problems develop then a short course of neurological physiotherapy is often beneficial.

To contact us for an appointment or regarding any queries please call 07816 768456 or email

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Stroke (CVA)
Neurological Physiotherapy
Treatment is based on trying to re-educate normal movement, where possible.

Parkinson's Disease (P.D)
Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease is caused by a lack of neuro-transmitter (dopamine) within part of your brain.
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Spinal cord injury can occur for many different reasons.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple Sclerosis is a problem affecting the conduction of nerve impulses.